Hey Reader, Want to increase your affiliate income without doubling or tripling your audience? I’ve got two words for you: special perks. Special perks are less common promotional tools and resources your affiliate manager can give you to increase your conversions and commissions. Inside any affiliate dashboard, you can usually find general promotional materials such as swipe copy, text links, logos, and banners. While these are a great starting point for most affiliates, there are usually...
7 months ago • 2 min read
Heads up: this email contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking a link, I may earn some tea 🫖 money, which I promise to drink while creating more helpful content like this. Hey Reader, My friend Zoe Linda sent out a lovely series of emails this past week, sharing 5 different spring cleaning tips for business owners who have affiliate programs. I loved the theme and how she used the series to kick off her annual spring cleaning sale. I thought...
7 months ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader, I'm writing this email at the Cleveland airport, heading home to Toronto after spending a couple of days hanging with ConvertKit customers and affiliates at CEX, the Content Entrepreneur Expo. I tried to attend as many talks as I could and one of the biggest takeaways I walked away with was that it's time to really embrace AI. While I use ChatGPT on a weekly basis for various little things, I haven't fully tapped into the power of AI for my work as an affiliate marketer or...
9 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, I recently put together this list of 25+ lucrative programs because I’m a huge advocate of generously paying programs. I always recommend them before popular ones like Amazon. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re in a niche where you’ll be sharing things like books, clothes, and ingredients, it makes sense to also be an affiliate for sites where most people buy those things. BUT I REALLY WANT TO PUSH YOU TO DREAM BIGGER As creators juggling many projects at once, our time is precious. It...
9 months ago • 2 min read